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October 2024

“محمد بن علي الحاج, “الأهمية الأثرية والتاريخية لمجموعة النقوش المسندية (الحجرية والبرونزية)

محمد بن علي الحاج هو أستاذ الآثار واللغات السامية القديمة المشارك – قسم السياحة والآثار- بجامعة حائل، خبير التراث الثقافي الأثري اليمني، وعضو هيئة خبراء التراث في العالم العربي، حاصل على درجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه من قسم الآثار جامعة الملك سعود في تخصص الآثار والكتابات العربية القديمة، واصلَ دراساته البحثية لِمَا بعد الدكتوراه في معهد الدراسات الشرقية جامعة فريدرش شيلر- يينا، بجمهورية ألمانيا كأحد الباحثين الخبراء في مجال الكتابات السامية القديمة، حصل على جوائز تَمَيُز أبرزها جائزة الملك عبد العزيز للكتاب في مجال الآثار عن كتاب (كنوز أثرية من دادان)، نَشرَ العديد من الأبحاث والكتب في مجال الآثار والكتابات العربية القديمة والتراث الثقافي الأثري اليمني والعربي   الأهمية الأثرية والتاريخية لمجموعة النقوش المسندية (الحجرية والبرونزية) تُناقش المحاضرة تاريخ النقوش المسندية المكتوبة على الألواح الحجرية والبرونزية بين القرن الثامن والسابع قبل الميلاد ومنها السبئية والمعينية، كما تَتَطرَقَ لذِكرِ أسماء بعض الملوك على الألواح الحجرية وأبرزهم الملك السبئي (كرب إيل وتر) ونقشه الشهير المعروف باسم نقش النصر. وتُشَكِل مجموعة النقوش المسندية المُدَوَّنَة على الألواح البرونزية وتماثيل الوعول المادة الأهم بين مقتنيات مجموعة الصباح الآثارية بالكويت فهي تَحكي قصة مدينة من أهم مدن مملكة قتبان المعروفة باسم مدينة مريمة، والتي خرجت منها روائع الآثار اليمنية القديمة وأنْفَسَها
21 Oct
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.

Tamer el-Leithy, “Scribbles in Hats or the afterlives of medieval Arabic documents”

Tamer el-Leithy Dr Tamer el-Leithy is an assistant professor of History, Arabic & Islamic Civilizations at American University in Cairo and a 2023 Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University. He is a respected author, whose work includes “Conversion to Islam in late-medieval Damascus” (introduction and English translations of excerpts on individual/family conversions to Islam from Arabic chronicles) in Luke Yarbrough, ed., Conversion to Islam: A Sourcebook (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2020) and a frequent conference presenter.   Scribbles in Hats or the afterlives of medieval Arabic documents In this lecture, I present a set of paper fragments found in an unlikely place: the inside of medieval hats. While many are found in the Vienna National Archive, there is also one at Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah. As most fragments are too small, faded, and inconveniently stitched to allow text reconstruction, we are left with only the curious fact that medieval Egyptians used scrap paper inside their hats. But if we see these fragments as objects, we can listen to different material evidence. In this lecture, I trace patterns within the illegible fragments—and read those against other clues (from a scribe’s exercise-book to an Islamic legal discussion of recycling). In so doing, we hear another story, one about more than the lining of hats.
28 Oct
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.
November 2024

Julien Loiseau, “The Living and the Dead. Muslim Communities in Christian Ethiopia in the light of recent research in funerary archaeology and Arabic epigraphy”

Julien Loiseau Julien Loiseau is professor in History of the Medieval Islamic World at Aix-Marseille University (France). He has extensively published on the history of Cairo and other Middle Eastern Cities in the late Middle Ages. His book Les Mamelouks. Une expérience du pouvoir dans l’Islam was awarded the Book Prize of the Institut (2014) médiéval du Monde Arabe (Paris) and was translated into Arabic in 2019 (المماليك، تجربة سلطة في إسلام القرون الوسطی). He has recently focused his research on Islam in the Horn of Africa.   The Living and the Dead. Muslim Communities in Christian Ethiopia in the light of recent research in funerary archaeology and Arabic epigraphy. Ethiopia offers one of the rare instances of a Christian kingdom where Muslim communities flourished in the Middle Ages. The Muslim tradition emphasized the welcome offered to Muhammad’s companions by the king of Axum (the “Najashi”) during the so-called “Hijrat al-Habasha”. Later on, diplomatic correspondence between Solomonic kings and Mamluk sultans underlined the protection granted by the Christian kingdom to Muslim merchants going back and forth between Egypt or Yemen and Ethiopia. Archaeology and epigraphy can provide further evidence of the long-lasting presence of Muslim communities in the very heart of the Christian kingdom. Cemeteries, grave markers and funerary stelae not only shed light on the Dead but also on the Living. The lecture will particularly focus on the unpublished Arabic funerary inscriptions collected in 2018-2019.
04 Nov
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.

Jean-Charles Ducène, “The Geographical Works of Muḥammad al-Idrīsī (6th AH/12th CE)”

Jean-Charles Ducène Jean-Charles Ducène defended his Ph.D. thesis on Ibn al-Qāṣṣ’s Kitāb dalā’il al-qibla at the Free University of Brussel in 1996 and has since continued to study medieval Arabic geography and natural sciences. Since 2012, he has been director of studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes études in Paris, where his teaching and research are devoted to the editing of medieval Arabic manuscripts. He has published several monographs on the subject, including Africa in al-Idrīsī’s Uns al-muhaǧ (2010) and nearly a hundred articles.   The Geographical Works of Muḥammad al-Idrīsī (6th AH/12th CE) While al-Idrīsī’s biography and personality remain shrouded in grey areas, his geographical works represent a high point in medieval Arab cartography and geography. In fact, the author composed a universal geography for the Norman king Roger II of Sicily, “The Book of pleasant journeys into faraway lands”. These 70 maps are not there simply to decorate the text, but to show directly a spatial environment that the text would have found difficult to describe. In addition, a few years later, al-Idrīsī renewed the enterprise by writing a small treatise on geography, “The Entertainment of Hearts and Meadows of Contemplation”. The lecture will focus on the unprecedented achievement in terms of the amount of geographical information processed and set down in text.
11 Nov
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.

“أحمد سعيد سيد أحمد, “تاجر من وادي الملح

أحمد سعيد سيد أحمد هو أستاذ بقسم الآثار المصرية في كلية الآثار- بجامعة القاهرة وأستاذ بقسم التاريخ والآثار في كلية الآداب – بجامعة الكويت. للمحاضر عدد كبير من الأبحاث والمقالات العلمية باللغة العربية والأجنبية وله ثلاثة كتب –تحت النشر- إحداها حول الأختام الدلمونية .The Dilmun Seals 2023 A study of social life:. وهو عضو في العديد من المؤسسات والجمعيات الآثارية في جمهورية مصر العربية إلى جانب خبرته الواسعة في إعداد مناهج التدريس في كليات الآثار والفنون الجميلة والهندسة في مصر والكويت. تاجر من وادي الملح خَلَّفَ المصريون القدماء تراثًا أدبيًا هائلًا، نُقِشَ على جدران المعابد والمقابر وأسطح الفُخَّار وكَسراته، و دُوِنَّ على أوراق البردي، واشتمل على العديد من الموضوعات المختلفة التي نُقِشَت بالخط الهيروغليفى، والذي كُتبَ بالخطين الهيراطيقى والديموطيقى. تَمثلتْ بعض تلك الموضوعات في أدب الأسطورة كأسطورة إيزيس و أوزوريس وأدب القصص – كـ قصة المحاضرة – والمعروفة باسم قصة الفلاح الفصيح وأدب النقد السياسي وأدب الرحلات وأدب الأغاني والأناشيد باختلاف موضوعاتها الدينية والدنيوية وأدب الحكم والنصائح و أخيرًا أدب الرسائل. تُناقش المحاضرة سردية رجل من وادي الملح (وادي النطرون الواقعة في شمال شرق صحراء مصر الغربية) يُدعَى “خون انبو” بمعنى المحمي من المعبود أنوبيس، الذي عاش في زمن الأسرة العاشرة من عام 2130 إلى 2040 ق.م
18 Nov
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.

Bernard O’Kane, “Architectural Innovation under the Mongols: Contributions of the Ilkhanids, Golden Horde and Chaghtayids to the development of tilework”

Bernard O’Kane Dr Bernard O’Kane is Professor of Islamic Art and Architecture at The American University in Cairo, where he has been teaching since 1980. He has also been a visiting professor at Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of several books including The Mosques of Egypt and Timurid Architecture in Khorasan, as well as Studies in Arab Architecture: The Collected Papers of Bernard O’Kane (Edinburgh University Press, 2021). O’Kane is also an avid photographer and recently directed the creation of the Monumental Inscriptions of Cairo database.   Architectural Innovation under the Mongols: Contributions of the Ilkhanids, Golden Horde and Chaghtayids to the development of tilework Before the arrival of the Mongols in Central Asia and Iran, the use of tiles for architectural decoration was in its infancy. By the middle of the 14th century dramatic changes can be seen, with the introduction of development of techniques such as sgraffito, tile mosaic, lajvardina, mina’i, banna’i, and carved and glazed terracotta tilework. Their use increased correspondingly. The combinations of these technique also resulted in a much greater range of colour effects. Previously the development of tilework under these dynasties has mostly been studied in isolation. This talk will attempt to synthesize our knowledge of these three dynasties to calculate the relative extent of cross- fertilization in their technical and artistic developments and to evaluate the impact their innovations had subsequently.
25 Nov
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Yarmouk Cultural Centre
Yarmouk, Block-3, Street-3, Lane-20, The opposite side of Boubyan Bank.
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