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الموسم الثقافي الـ 29


الأثنين, سبتمبر-30, 2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Dr. Ziad Rajab, “The Story Behind the Object : A Selection of Objects from the Tareq Rajab Museum”

Dr Ziad Rajab is the director of the New English School and a Tareq Rajab Museum board member. In addition to being a human resource specialist, he is involved in the arts, and has non-professional certificates in bookbinding, illumination, portraiture, oil painting and pottery. He is also an accomplished flautist

The Story Behind the Object : A Selection of Objects from the Tareq Rajab Museum
Artefacts in museums possess a captivating allure and serve as poignant markers of different historical periods. They transport us to bygone eras While the majority of these objects have origins shrouded in mystery, their creators and owners lost to time, a small number have clearly defined provenances and documented histories. This talk will spotlight a small ensemble of such objects housed in the Tareq Rajab Museum, each with a compelling narrative or story. A manuscript imbued with the rich history, a vase fashioned by a celebrated potter, and a sword bestowed as a token of royal favour by a Maharaja – each of these narratives serves as a vibrant tapestry, bringing alive the past and the lives connected to them



مركز اليرموك الثقافي
اليرموك، قطعة 3، شارع 3

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